An illustration to accompany an article in Inside Housing Magazine, about providing support for children and teenagers who are in care homes and an ongoing commitment when they are ready to leave care, so helping them to become independent. The bases of the illustration is about ‘flying the nest’ resulting in a conceptual image of a nest with children inside and teenagers walking out.
“A partnership between Nottingham City Homes and Nottingham Council aims to move away from large traditional care homes for children, to smaller homes that encourage independence. The ALMO has worked with Nottingham Council to develop a care scheme that aims to teach young people the skills they need to live independently. The two organisations have set up six ‘semi-independent’ care homes for small groups of two to three young people. In theory, residents can be between the ages of 12 and 18, but in reality most of the 200-plus young people housed since the project began in February 2011 have been older teenagers. No adults live in the homes, but the young people receive daily visits to check in on their progress, as well as visits from their individual social workers.”